Friday, May 27, 2011

Food Week in Pictures: Thursday

I've gotta confess...I ROCKED Thursday. I don't really know what the change was, but something kicked in and I wasn't crazy hungry today.
We bought some VitaTops at the store. They only have 100 calories and they're really good. In fact, with my coffee and the VitaTop, I was full enough that I didn't need to eat this banana at breakfast. I had it later as a snack before dinner. Breakfast was only 3 points. That started my day off well.

For some reason--well I know the reason--I was too busy to take a picture of my lunch. I had leftovers from the shrimp pesto saute from last night. It was only 3 points because I didn't have any rice or pasta. I should have had the grains, but I just didn't have time.

For a snack I had one Dove dark chocolate and a piece of beef jerky. It actually held me over. HMMM, maybe it was the protein. I'd been having just fruit or something. May have found something good here. Total snack points: 3

But alas, I did have one handful of the fruit and nut mix when I got home for 4 points. That's ok. I was doing well with my points. (no image)

I had leftovers for dinner. I mixed the last of the steak with some of the veggies from the pesto saute. I also had some brown rice too. Total dinner (no wine tonight) was 10 points.
I even had enough points for a dessert!!! So I had a glass of skim milk and four gingersnaps for 5 points.

My total for the day was only 28. Go me!!!!

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